On Sept. 14th I got a call that I anticipated yet dreaded. My sister called and said my mom had had a stroke and I needed to come to Calif. This was not entirely surprising as her health has been declining in the past year and more so in the past 6 mos. She is relatively young-70, but has diabetes and hypertension. In March after some testing by a neurologist it was determined that she had already had two major strokes and had damage usually found in a woman much older than her. But this was worse than previous strokes. This stroke was in a major artery and had caused paralysis on the left side of the body. She can still speak and recognize people but is now confined to a hospital bed. She could not swallow at first but is now able to take liquid nourishment. After further MRIs, second opinions from neurologists at Cedars Sinai at UCLA, the doctors have determined that there is not anything else that can be done. As a family we have determined it is most important to make her comfortable and spend as much time as possible with her while we can. She is at home now under Hospice care.
I have been very blessed to have a great mom and am so thankful for our relationship. We have had our difference of opinions over trivial things but I have always known she has only wanted the best for me and was willing to support me in anyway she could. She is a incredible woman, always thinking of others, serving, and leading. She has been a great example in my life and I have always felt if I was 1/2 as good as her I am doing pretty good. One of the hardest part of all this is watching how my mother's body is not longer able to support her. She is able to participate in conversations and loves the visits from friends but can no longer do things for herself, fortunately she is free from any pain. I think that it is an opportunity for us to learn what true Christianity is, to be willing to serve unselfishly and love unconditionally.
I am grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ, to know that our Heavenly Father is mindful of each one of us and knows what we need and can handle. I am grateful to know that we are working to be able to return to His presence and know my mom will be blessed for the many things she has done here on this earth. I know her time left on earth is short but her example and testimony will live on through each of us. Her faith in God and love of family will be a legacy we will always remember. I'm sure a glorious reunion with loved ones awaits her. I love you mom!!
We love your mom too and she is an incredible lady who raised 4 incredible daughters. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family.
love your mom...always...
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