Saturday, November 21, 2009

A mother's joy

I had to capture this-lexi and Taylor playing checkers together may not seem like a huge thing but as a mom I love to see my kids doing things together. Lately that doesn't happen without a specific request from us and sometimes with the use of coercion. This was done on their own.
I am the oldest of 4 girls and while we had our fights it was much different than the older brother/sister torment that happens around here. I don't get it but it drives me crazy when Taylor bugs the girls just to bug the girls. Taylor is not alone in this, Jordan also loved to do this when he was home. Those of you with older brothers have also validated this point-older brothers find some kind of weird satisfaction in bugging their sisters. I'm just hoping that as time passes this will change and these scenes will become more regular. They will never become less satisfying though.

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