This is a long post, but I need to move the vacation along to try and get caught up here. Sorry for the many pics, but they tell the story better than my writing. The girls and I headed to California with my parents and two nieces. We were there a week, then Taylor flew from Houston to Utah and drove to Ca. with my other niece coming home from BYU-Idaho. Then the end of the month Ken flew to Ca. when we had a 80's reunion. We enjoyed the beautiful cool weather and had a good time. At the end we all flew home together.
The girls had spa times, when they fixed each other's hair and did pedis for each other. Lexi and Tori

A moment of calmness after a rousing game of tags with cousins and friends. Lexi is the ringleader. She loved it.

The community center just redid their playground and the girls had to check it out. Paige was not cooperative with having her picture taken. Obviously the ring was not a big challenge for her.

Lexi, Tori and Mackenzie in the spider web.

The local public library has a wonderful kids section. We spent some quiet time there.

The girls making crafts on the back porch and yes it was cool enough for a sweatshirt.

Grandma and Papa celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary

The kids at the children't museum. They had touch tank that the kids enjoyed. They got to hold starfish and sea urchins. My parents are only about 15 miles from the beach.

Everyone loved the tiki hut restaurant where they took turns being the customer or the cooks. No one wanted to be the waiter until they found out they got the money.

Swimming with cousins

Even though we never saw the sun the kids had a good time at the beach. A friend let them borrow the wetsuits which made the frigid water a bit more tolerable. Not warm enough for me to get in though. I am a wimp anymore to subject myself to that.
Everyone jumping the waves

The girls having a fight with a piece of seaweed

We even went to the beach for dinner one night. a fun tradition we do every year. You better have a jacket because when the sun goes down it's cold!!! And not just to us Texans.
My parents and I. We were laughing because we were so cold we were shivering.

The cousins at the beach

We went to the beach with friends during our reunion. This was a friend's daughter from AZ that we hooked up with in April and Lexi and she were fast friends.

Paige burying herself in the sand

Taylor doing a little skimboarding

We actually got a family shot. A rarity.
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