For Girl Scouts we are working on the animals and insects patch and to fulfill a requirement for the patch we headed to the Bayou Wildlife refuge in Alvin, TX. It was somewhat confusing because you pass all these homes and business and all of a sudden here's the sign for the refuge. I'm sure with all the growth in the past few years, city is getting closer and closer to country. We had perfect weather, not too hot and a big overcast. The girls loved the animals and I was pleasantly surprised at the variety of animals. They were very used to humans and the girls loved being able to feed them. I would recommend this outing, but line up a bunch of friends to get the group discount.
This deer was very interested in Lexi's patches and was trying to nibble at them. You can see there is no fear though, of either one.

This camel came right over to Lexi and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then of course it wanted food.

Lexi and the kissing camel

Lexi hanging in the petting zoo with the goats.
There were even pony rides. Of course its a trainer led ride, a bit tame for Lexi's taste.