Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Jordan's mission pics

It has been a while since Jordan has sent any pictures from his mission. He is currently serving in Temecula and is on a bike. He has been out just over a year now and is really loving sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the people he serves. He was in Moreno Valley for just about a month between 29 Palms and Temecula. He covered a family ward, young adult branch and Samoan Branch. He really liked being able to meet many different people

Elder Torbit and Elder Smith with family in Samoan branch.

What kind of coincidence is that, to have streets named Elder and Cool. I'm sure every elder in the mission has his picture taken there. Jordan has on a Lavalava. The next picture is also from that day. The former branch president of the Samoan branch does a traditional Samoan meal for the elders on transfer day. They also have to dress in traditional wear.

The Elders and Sisters at Kaios for their Samoan meal. Jordan is right behind the sisters on the right.

In Temecula their apt. is right next to a city park so for p-day they head over and play soccer when the weather's good. Which is 90% of the time. Jordan covers just one ward in Temecula.

1 comment:

Mrs. Townsend said...

I'm so excited for Jordan. It's cool to see him out doing such great work.