I'm going to do a big skip and maybe catch up with some other events later. This past week was our Young Women's girls camp. Earlier in the year I was called to be our ward camp director. There were things we did ahead of time to prepare for camp and pass off our requirements for certification. It was finally time to actually head to camp. The 2011 theme for camp was We Believe-the 13th Article of Faith. The shirts had the theme on the front and the whole article of faith on the back. This was almost all the girls from our ward. Two girls and one leader headed up on Mon for a special day of water activities for their age group. There were a total of 19 girls and 3 leaders that headed to camp this year. Several for their 1st time. We were ready to go. The camp was Camp Ta-Ku-La, it is about 2 1/2 hrs. northeast of Houston in the piney woods.

With all the stuff we brought we had to borrow the Boy Scout trailer. Good thing we had it because we would have needed a extra car just for "stuff" It was my 1st time to haul a trailer and I think I did pretty good. Just don't ask me to back it up.

Two of the big attractions at camp were the zipline and rock wall. I tried both and they were great!!!

I made it to the top of the "easy" side of the rock wall and got to sign my name . I tried the medium wall but only made it about 3/4 of the way up. Thank goodness for a harness.

The courtyard of our cabins. I was with the 2nd year girls and we had so many (36) that we couldn't all fit in one cabin. Unfortunately we had to divide them up but the girls did great and made many new friends. Our cabins were the 1st two on the right, Paige's was the last one in that row. The were basic with wood bunkbeds. It was nice that the bathrooms and showers were inside the cabin. The best part was they were air-conditioned. That may seem luxurious but when it was 100+ during the day and not a lot cooler at night it was a blessing to have!

Paige working on her craft-cross stitching. The girls each made a cross stitch that said "We believe" and then were able to put it in a frame they decorated. It was great to see the girls be excited to do the stitchery.

On the last day of camp the older girls organized water games for everyone. This was a relay to empty one bucket and fill another by way of large sponge. The full bucket was then dumped on the camp leaders. The girls had fun getting the leaders soaking.

Paige all set to go on the zipline. Ken did video on his camera but it would not upload here.

This was the outside of Lexi's cabin. This camp was originally a logging community. This building and a church on the property were originaly from the early 1900's. This was used for the 1st years. It was nicknamed the orphanage because there were bunks lining both sides and girls everywhere. I didn't get into it when there weren't girls in it so didn't get a pic but it was a sight to behold. The leaders then had cots down the middle of the area. It was a mass on humanity.

Lexi with two of the other 1st years from our ward. Their leaders gave them the little crowns to remind them they are daughters of a King and are blessed to receive all that He has to give them. A great reminder of our potential here on earth.

Lexi suited up for her go around on the zipline. This was definitely the girl's favorite thing to do, they just didn't like the wait. This guy was great sport to keep all the girls moving along.

Lexi heading down the waterslide. Behind the fence were the 3 pools. Two were shallow and set up for water volleyball and basketball. The other was deeper and had a diving board.

This is all the 2nd year girls. It was quite a feat to get this picture. It was like herding cats to get them all in one place. They were a awesome group of young women and the other leaders were great also.

My girls and I. It was a great experience to be there with them both, whether they liked it or not. The hairstyle they're both sporting is courtesy of moi. I would spend a couple hours each day with someone wanting their hair done. I love to do it and am always happy for the chance to play with someone's hair. I started this when I was the girl's age and was the camp hairbraider.

Ken was asked to come to camp as priesthood leadership. It was great to have him up there with us. We are enjoying the fine cuisine of the camp. This was actually one of the better meals. Chicken strips and mashed potatoes. That was the one drawback that the food was very "institutional" and we'll leave it at that. I appreciate that Ken was willing to come and hang in the heat with us.

This is all the girls, leaders and our bishop from our ward at Girl's camp. On Friday night the bishops are invited up and they come, eat dinner with the girls, participate in some activities and share some counsel with the girls. We are grateful for a bishop that is so supportive of the youth and always willing to do what he can to help them.

I haven't been to girl's camp since I was their age and it was a great week. What a great blessing to have girls and leaders that put so much time and effort into a great program that we can all benefit and grow from.
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